Mitigating EMF

Electromagnetic radiation (EMF) is becoming increasingly comparable to cigarettes in our modern era. Some argue its danger, but more deny it. EMF refers to the electrical frequency present in our homes and workplaces, which flows through the wires within our walls, ceilings, and floors. Electric frequency (EF) is produced by electrically charged objects, including electronic devices. These fields vary in strength and type, with some capable of penetrating walls and our bodies. Electrical wiring, power cords, and certain power lines usually emit these fields. Even when turned off, plugged-in devices release electric fields that can be absorbed by the body and measured on the skin. Radio Frequency (RF) radiation encompasses wireless transmission methods, such as WiFi and microwaves. It is emitted by any device that wirelessly sends or receives information, such as cell phone towers, cordless phones, and smart devices.

There are natural electromagnetic fields (EMFs) like the earth's magnetic field or lightning during a thunderstorm. However, exposure to man-made EMFs has increased a lot recently. Studies have given some insight into the possible effects on our brains and the developing brains of children. Our brain cells communicate through chemicals that become electricity. Artificial EMFs can interfere with this process and potentially alter our brains. Occasional WiFi exposure may not be harmful, but cumulative exposure over a lifetime could be concerning. Additionally, we should also consider other types of radiation such as electric, magnetic, and dirty electricity. Overall, we should be worried about how these factors interact and impact the developing brains of children.

To reduce electromagnetic fields in your home, switch off the main electrical box at night, excluding necessary appliances like furnaces, air conditioners, and refrigerators. Although this won't eliminate fields from powerlines, distribution lines, cell phone towers, or antennas, it can still noticeably decrease field levels.

Mitigation Process

To properly reduce EMF (electromagnetic field) levels, reliable meters are essential. The best approach is to seek an EMF specialist with professional equipment, avoiding inexpensive meters from Amazon or phone apps. Alternatively, you can purchase your own meters online, with prices ranging from $400 to $1,000. However, consulting services are still necessary to learn how to effectively address the issue.

If you’re going to try to tackle this on your own, then here are some quality and accurate meters that you can use for measuring electromagnetic fields (EMF). The Greenwave Alpha Lab EMI meter will measure the EMF readings throughout your environment the best, providing you with accurate and reliable data. Not only is it the best in terms of performance, but it is also affordable and simple to use, making it accessible to anyone who wants to take EMF measurements. The Trifield TF2 meter, which goes a step further by measuring electric fields (EF), radio frequencies (RF) and magnetic fields (MF). This meter is versatile as it can be used both indoors and outdoors, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the frequencies in your surroundings. Like the Greenwave Alpha Lab EMI meter, the Trifield TF2 is also affordable and comes with clear instructions, making it user-friendly for those who are new to measuring EMF.

You might be surprised by the objects that emit fields when you search for their sources. For example, thermostats without WiFi connections continuously emit radiation while trying to connect. Plugged-in baby monitors can broadcast signals up to 30 feet away. Some "smart" electronics can accidentally turn on even when they're supposed to be off, either through updates or by accident. Smart meters, installed in many homes, increase electromagnetic fields throughout the wiring. Major appliances like HVACs, LED lights, dishwashers, microwaves, and even when turned off, still produce fields. Metal bed rails can amplify electric fields, which is unexpected as parents often use them for their toddlers. Metal roofs and gutters can act as antennas and attract low RF frequencies. And these are just a few examples.

Once you’ve figured what the source of the problem is you can start the mitigation process. Is your head spinning yet?  And this is just the tip of the iceberg. If it is, you may just want to consider hiring an EMF consultant.  While purchasing equipment and doing phone consultations is do-able, having someone actually come in and connect the dots is very valuable. Once the changes are in place, you’ll notice a difference and final you can sleep and feel better.

Looking for additional assistance? If you require further support feel free to explore the options below by clicking on one of the provided links. These resources will provide you with the necessary information and guidance to help address your concerns effectively. Remember, understanding and resolving any issues you encounter is our priority, so don't hesitate to utilize these links to seek the assistance you need.